Dr Mark Bazzacco

Dr Mark Bazzacco is Chief Research Technology and Operations of the Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG).

Mark leads a division, which includes research operations (safety, security and research infrastructure), digital research infrastructure and services, scientific and high performance computing, research engineering and workforce capability and talent.

Mark joined DSTG in 2022 bringing with him a deep understanding of research and innovation including 20 years’ experience in the public service and a passion for leading the science and technology support services required by researchers.

Previously, Mark held the positions of Head of Strategy and Chief of Staff at CSIRO where he reported to the Chief Executive Officer and led the strategy, planning, performance and evaluation, investment and portfolio management functions.

Mark has also served on a number of reviews and committees specific to science, research and innovation including Science and Technology Australia (STA), Pawsey Supercomputing Centre and on the Australian Research Council (ARC) Expert Advisory Committee for the review of Excellence in Research for Australia and Engagement and Impact Assessment. Mark holds a Bachelor of Commerce, MBA and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD).